技术:C#+WinForm+Windows API
使用C#进行车牌检测和车牌识别,车牌检测包括图像分割和特征提取,车牌识别是指对检测到的车牌进行内容识别。利用 Visual Studio 2015 集成开发环境,采用System.Drawing命名空间的类来处理图片、Windows API控制摄像头。
//车辆图片处理事件 private void t灰度化() { if (m_Bitmap != null) { int tt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)//清掉数组gray里的数据 { gray[i] = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)//清掉数组rr里的数据 { rr[i] = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)//清掉数组gg里的数据 { gg[i] = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)//清掉数组bb里的数据 { bb[i] = 0; } BitmapData bmData = m_Bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, m_Bitmap.Width, m_Bitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); int stride = bmData.Stride;//获取或设置 Bitmap 对象的跨距宽度(也称为扫描宽度)。 System.IntPtr Scan0 = bmData.Scan0;//获取或设置位图中第一个像素数据的地址。 它也可以看成是位图中的第一个扫描行 unsafe { byte* p = (byte*)(void*)Scan0; int nOffset = stride - m_Bitmap.Width * 3; byte red, green, blue; int nWidth = m_Bitmap.Width; int nHeight = m_Bitmap.Height; for (int y = 0; y < nHeight; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < nWidth; ++x) { blue = p[0]; green = p[1]; red = p[2]; tt = p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = (byte)(.299 * red + .587 * green + .114 * blue); rr[red]++; gg[green]++; bb[blue]++; gray[tt]++; //统计灰度值为tt的象素点数目 p += 3; } p += nOffset; } } m_Bitmap.UnlockBits(bmData); flag = 1; graydo(); } } private void t灰度均衡化() { if (m_Bitmap != null) { BitmapData bmData = m_Bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, m_Bitmap.Width, m_Bitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); //加入内存进行处理 int stride = bmData.Stride; System.IntPtr Scan0 = bmData.Scan0;//扫描的第一行 int tt = 0; int[] SumGray = new int[256]; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { SumGray[i] = 0; } unsafe { byte* p = (byte*)(void*)Scan0; int nOffset = stride - m_Bitmap.Width * 3; int nHeight = m_Bitmap.Height; int nWidth = m_Bitmap.Width; SumGray[0] = gray[0];//灰度均衡化 for (int i = 1; i < 256; ++i)//灰度级频度数累加 SumGray[i] = SumGray[i - 1] + gray[i]; for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) //计算调整灰度值 频率乘以灰度总级数得出该灰度变换后的灰度级 SumGray[i] = (int)(SumGray[i] * 255 / count); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { gray[i] = 0; } for (int y = 0; y < nHeight; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < nWidth; ++x) { tt = p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = (byte)(SumGray[p[0]]); gray[tt]++; p += 3; } p += nOffset; } } m_Bitmap.UnlockBits(bmData); flag = 1; graydo(); } } private void t高斯滤波() { if (m_Bitmap != null) { BitmapData bmData = m_Bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, m_Bitmap.Width, m_Bitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { gray[i] = 0; } unsafe { int stride = bmData.Stride; System.IntPtr Scan0 = bmData.Scan0; byte* p = (byte*)(void*)Scan0; byte* pp; int tt; int nOffset = stride - m_Bitmap.Width * 3; int nWidth = m_Bitmap.Width; int nHeight = m_Bitmap.Height; long sum = 0; int[,] gaussianMatrix = { { 1, 2, 3, 2, 1 }, { 2, 4, 6, 4, 2 }, { 3, 6, 7, 6, 3 }, { 2, 4, 6, 4, 2 }, { 1, 2, 3, 2, 1 } };//高斯滤波器所选的n=5模板 for (int y = 0; y < nHeight; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < nWidth; ++x) { if (!(x <= 1 || x >= nWidth - 2 || y <= 1 || y >= nHeight - 2)) { pp = p; sum = 0; int dividend = 79; for (int i = -2; i <= 2; i++) for (int j = -2; j <= 2; j++) { pp += (j * 3 + stride * i); sum += pp[0] * gaussianMatrix[i + 2, j + 2]; if (i == 0 && j == 0) { if (pp[0] > 240)//如果模板中心的灰度大于240 { sum += p[0] * 30; dividend += 30; } else if (pp[0] > 230) { sum += pp[0] * 20; dividend += 20; } else if (pp[0] > 220) { sum += p[0] * 15; dividend += 15; } else if (pp[0] > 210) { sum += pp[0] * 10; dividend += 10; } else if (p[0] > 200) { sum += pp[0] * 5; dividend += 5; } } pp = p; } sum = sum / dividend; if (sum > 255) { sum = 255; } p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = (byte)(sum); } tt = p[0]; gray[tt]++; p += 3; } p += nOffset; } } flag = 1; m_Bitmap.UnlockBits(bmData); graydo(); } } //定位处理事件 private void sobel边缘检测() { if (m_Bitmap != null) { BitmapData bmData = m_Bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, m_Bitmap.Width, m_Bitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); float valve = 67; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { gray[i] = 0; } unsafe { int stride = bmData.Stride; System.IntPtr Scan0 = bmData.Scan0; byte* p = (byte*)(void*)Scan0; byte* pp; int tt; int nOffset = stride - m_Bitmap.Width * 3; int nWidth = m_Bitmap.Width; int nHeight = m_Bitmap.Height; int Sx = 0; int Sy = 0; // float max = 0; double sumM = 0; double sumCount = 0; int[] marginalMx = { -1, 0, 1, -2, 0, 2, -1, 0, 1 }; //sobel模板 int[] marginalMy = { 1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, -2, -1 }; int[,] dlta = new int[nHeight, nWidth]; for (int y = 0; y < nHeight; ++y) //sobel算子 { for (int x = 0; x < nWidth; ++x) { if (!(x <= 0 || x >= nWidth - 1 || y <= 0 || y >= nHeight - 1)) { pp = p; Sx = 0; Sy = 0; for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++) for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++) { pp += (j * 3 + stride * i); Sx += pp[0] * marginalMx[(i + 1) * 3 + j + 1]; Sy += pp[0] * marginalMy[(i + 1) * 3 + j + 1]; pp = p; } m[y, x] = (int)(Math.Sqrt(Sx * Sx + Sy * Sy)); if (m[y, x] > valve / 2) //增强白点 { if (p[0] > 240) { m[y, x] += valve; } else if (p[0] > 220) { m[y, x] += (float)(valve * 0.8); } else if (p[0] > 200) { m[y, x] += (float)(valve * 0.6); } else if (p[0] > 180) { m[y, x] += (float)(valve * 0.4); } else if (p[0] > 160) { m[y, x] += (float)(valve * 0.2); } } float tan; if (Sx != 0) { tan = Sy / Sx; } else tan = 10000; if (-0.41421356 <= tan && tan < 0.41421356)//角度为-22.5度到22.5度之间 { dlta[y, x] = 0; // m[y,x]+=valve; } else if (0.41421356 <= tan && tan < 2.41421356)//角度为22.5度到67.5度之间 { dlta[y, x] = 1; //m[y,x] = 0; } else if (tan >= 2.41421356 || tan < -2.41421356)//角度为67.5度到90度之间或-90度到-67.5度 { dlta[y, x] = 2; // m[y,x]+=valve; } else { dlta[y, x] = 3;//m[y,x] = 0; } } else m[y, x] = 0; p += 3; if (m[y, x] > 0) { sumCount++; sumM += m[y, x]; } } p += nOffset; } p = (byte*)(void*)Scan0; //非极大值抑制和阀值 for (int y = 0; y < nHeight; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < nWidth; ++x) { if (m[y, x] > sumM / sumCount * 1.2) { p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = (byte)(m[y, x]); //m[y,x]=1; } else { m[y, x] = 0; p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = 0; } if (x >= 1 && x <= nWidth - 1 && y >= 1 && y <= nHeight - 1 && m[y, x] > valve) { switch (dlta[y, x]) { case 0: if (m[y, x] >= m[y, x - 1] && m[y, x] >= m[y, x + 1])//水平边缘 { p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = 255; } break; case 1: if (m[y, x] >= m[y + 1, x - 1] && m[y, x] >= m[y - 1, x + 1])//正斜45度边缘 { p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = 255; } break; case 2: if (m[y, x] >= m[y - 1, x] && m[y, x] >= m[y + 1, x])//垂直边缘 { p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = 255; } break; case 3: if (m[y, x] >= m[y + 1, x + 1] && m[y, x] >= m[y - 1, x - 1])//反斜45度边缘 { p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = 255; } break; } } if (p[0] == 255) { m[y, x] = 1; } else { m[y, x] = 0; p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = 0; } tt = p[0]; gray[tt]++; p += 3; } // p += nOffset; } m_Bitmap.UnlockBits(bmData); flag = 1; graydo(); } } } private void 车牌定位() { // always_Bitmap = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(name, false); this.c_Bitmap = Recoginzation.licensePlateLocation(m_Bitmap, always_Bitmap, m); extract_Bitmap_one = c_Bitmap.Clone(new Rectangle(0, 0, c_Bitmap.Width, c_Bitmap.Height), PixelFormat.DontCare); this.panel1.Invalidate(); this.LocatedPanel.Invalidate(); this.ExtractPanel.Invalidate(); } //车牌处理事件 private void c灰度化() { if (c_Bitmap != null) { int tt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)//清掉数组gray里的数据 { gray[i] = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)//清掉数组rr里的数据 { rr[i] = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)//清掉数组gg里的数据 { gg[i] = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)//清掉数组bb里的数据 { bb[i] = 0; } BitmapData bmData = c_Bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, c_Bitmap.Width, c_Bitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); int stride = bmData.Stride;//获取或设置 Bitmap 对象的跨距宽度(也称为扫描宽度)。 System.IntPtr Scan0 = bmData.Scan0;//获取或设置位图中第一个像素数据的地址。 它也可以看成是位图中的第一个扫描行 unsafe { byte* p = (byte*)(void*)Scan0; int nOffset = stride - c_Bitmap.Width * 3; byte red, green, blue; int nWidth = c_Bitmap.Width; int nHeight = c_Bitmap.Height; for (int y = 0; y < nHeight; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < nWidth; ++x) { blue = p[0]; green = p[1]; red = p[2]; tt = p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = (byte)(.299 * red + .587 * green + .114 * blue); rr[red]++; gg[green]++; bb[blue]++; gray[tt]++; //统计灰度值为tt的象素点数目 p += 3; } p += nOffset; } } c_Bitmap.UnlockBits(bmData); flag = 2; this.LocatedPanel.Invalidate(); panel1.Invalidate(); graydo(); } } private void c二值化() { if (c_Bitmap != null) { int Mr = 0;//灰度均值 long sum = 0; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)//像素个数与灰度等级的乘积除以像素个数 { sum += gray[i] * i; count += gray[i]; } Mr = (int)(sum / count); int sum1 = 0; int count1 = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= Mr; i++) { sum1 += gray[i] * i; count1 += gray[i]; } int g1 = sum1 / count1; int sum2 = 0; int count2 = 0; for (int i = Mr; i <= 255; i++) { sum2 += gray[i] * i; count2 += gray[i]; } int g2 = sum2 / count2; //求阀值 int va; if (count1 < count2) {//白底黑字 va = Mr - count1 / count2 * Math.Abs(g1 - Mr); } else //黑底白字 va = Mr + count2 / count1 * Math.Abs(g2 - Mr); BitmapData bmData = c_Bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, c_Bitmap.Width, c_Bitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); unsafe { int stride = bmData.Stride; System.IntPtr Scan0 = bmData.Scan0; byte* p = (byte*)(void*)Scan0; int nOffset = stride - c_Bitmap.Width * 3; int nWidth = c_Bitmap.Width; int nHeight = c_Bitmap.Height; for (int y = 0; y < nHeight; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < nWidth; ++x) { if (p[0] > va) { p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = 255; } else p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = 0; p += 3; } p += nOffset; } } c_Bitmap.UnlockBits(bmData); LocatedPanel.Invalidate(); } }
class Recoginzation { #region 车牌定位算法 public static Bitmap licensePlateLocation(Bitmap m_Bitmap, Bitmap always_Bitmap, float[,] m) { Bitmap c_Bitmap =null ; if (m_Bitmap != null) { BitmapData bmData = m_Bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, m_Bitmap.Width, m_Bitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); int nWidth = m_Bitmap.Width; int nHeight = m_Bitmap.Height; int div = 7; int lv = 11; int pWR, pWL, pWHL, pWHR, pWH; long sM = 0; int ccm = 0; int Wmin = 1; int Wmax = 9; int Bmin = 1; int Bmax = 5; bool getStart; bool[] lineLabel = new bool[(int)(nHeight / div) + 1]; double[] sumC = new double[(int)(nHeight / div) + 1]; int[,] countMatch = new int[(int)(nHeight / div) + 1, (int)(nWidth / lv) + 1]; int[,] mark = new int[(int)(nHeight / div) + 1, nWidth]; unsafe { for (int i = 0; i < (int)(nHeight / div) + 1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < (int)(nWidth / lv) + 1; j++) { countMatch[i, j] = 0; } } int stride = bmData.Stride; System.IntPtr Scan0 = bmData.Scan0; byte* p = (byte*)(void*)Scan0; byte* pp; for (int y = 2 * div; y < nHeight - 2 * div; ) { for (int j = 0; j < nWidth; j++) { mark[y / div, j] = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < div; i++) { getStart = true; for (pWR = pWL = pWHL = pWHR = pWH = 4; pWH < nWidth - 1; pWH++) { if (getStart) //标记每行的第一个白点 { if (m[y + i, pWH] > 0) { getStart = false; pWR = pWL = pWHL = pWHR = pWH; } else continue; } if (pWR - pWL > nWidth / 3 || pWHL - pWR > nWidth / 3 || pWHR - pWHL > nWidth / 3) { goto L; } if (m[y + i, pWH - 1] > 0 && m[y + i, pWH] <= 0)//白-->黑 { pWHR = pWH - 1; if (pWL != pWHL) { if ((Wmin <= (pWR - pWL) && (pWR - pWL) <= Wmax) || (Bmin <= (pWHL - pWR - 1) && (pWHL - pWR - 1) <= Bmax) || (Wmin <= (pWHR - pWHL) && (pWHR - pWHL) <= Wmax)) { if (-pWL + pWHR < 30) //记录该点 if (pWR-pWL+pWHR-pWHL<11) { double rate1 = Wmax / (Math.Abs((pWR - pWL) - (Wmax - Wmin)) / 2 + 1); double rate2 = Wmax / (Math.Abs((pWHR - pWHL) - (Wmax - Wmin)) / 2 + 1); double rate3 = Bmax * 3 / (pWHL - pWR); mark[y / div, pWL + (pWR - pWL) / 2] += (int)(rate3 + rate2 + rate2); } } if (pWR - pWL > 2 * lv) { for (int t = pWL + lv / 2; t < pWR - lv / 2; t += lv) //连续白(或)宽于一个字符宽度 { countMatch[y / div, t / lv] = -1; } //countMatch[y/div,pWR/lv]=-1; } if (pWHL - pWR - 1 > 2 * lv) { for (int t = pWR + lv / 2; t < pWHL - lv / 2; t += lv) { countMatch[y / div, t / lv] -= 1; } //countMatch[y/div,pWHL/lv]=-1; } if (pWHR - pWHL > 2 * lv) { for (int t = pWHL + lv / 2; t < pWHR - lv / 2; t += lv) { countMatch[y / div, t / lv] -= 1; } //countMatch[y/div,pWHR/lv]=-1; } } pWR = pWHR; pWL = pWHL; } else if (m[y + i, pWH - 1] <= 0 && m[y + i, pWH] > 0)//黑-->白 { pWHL = pWH; } } } L: y += div; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //去除噪音 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// //基与特征点水平间隔的去噪 int toCheck = -1; foreach (int i in sumC) { sumC[i] = 0; } sM = 0; ccm = 0; //累计连续的特征点 for (int i = 2; i < (int)(nHeight / div) - 1; i++) { toCheck = -1; lineLabel[i] = false; //sumLX=0; pWL = pWR = 1; getStart = true; for (int j = 1; j < nWidth; j++) { //标记每行的第一个白点 if (getStart) { if (m[i, j] > 0) { getStart = false; pWR = pWL = j; } else continue; } ///* if (mark[i, j] > 0) { if (toCheck == -1) { toCheck = j; continue; } else { if (j - toCheck <= 1) { if (countMatch[i, j / lv] >= 0) { countMatch[i, j / lv] += (mark[i, toCheck] + mark[i, j]);//两个点相互匹配,累加2 } toCheck = -1; //lineLabel[i]=true; continue; } else { //mark[i,toCheck]-=(int)(div*0.8);//除去该特征点 if (mark[i, toCheck] < (div * 0.7)) { mark[i, toCheck] = 0; } else { countMatch[i, j / lv] += 2 * mark[i, toCheck]; } toCheck = j; continue; } } } } } //阀值化 sM = 0; ccm = 0; int va = (int)(lv * div / 3); int[] countL = new int[(int)(nHeight / div) + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < (int)(nHeight / div) + 1; i++) { bool ok; ok = false; countL[i] = 0; lineLabel[i] = false; for (int j = 0; j < (int)(nWidth / lv) + 1; ++j) { //图像周边特征点为零 if (i == 0 || i == (int)(nHeight / div) || j == 0 || j == (int)(nWidth / lv)) { countMatch[i, j] = 0; continue; } if (countMatch[i, j] > va) {//阀值去噪音 if ((countMatch[i, j - 1] <= va && countMatch[i, j + 1] <= va) ||//去除孤立点(水平) (countMatch[i - 1, j] <= va && (countMatch[i + 1, j] <= va || (countMatch[i + 1, j - 1] <= va && countMatch[i + 1, j + 1] <= va))))//去除孤立点(垂直) { countMatch[i, j] = 0; } else { countL[i] += countMatch[i, j]; ok = true; } } else countMatch[i, j] = 0; } if (ok) { lineLabel[i] = true; sM += countL[i]; ccm++; } } //去除上半部分大面积的噪音 int v1 = 0, v2 = 0; int vm1 = 0, vm2 = 0; int maxL = 0, cv = 0; for (int i = 1; i < (int)(nHeight / div) + 1; i++) { if (lineLabel[i] == true && lineLabel[i - 1] == false) { v1 = i; v2 = i; } else if (lineLabel[i] == false && lineLabel[i - 1] == true) { v2 = i; cv++; if (maxL < v2 - v1) { vm1 = v1; vm2 = v2; maxL = v2 - v1; } } } if (cv > 1 && vm2 - vm1 > 5 && vm1 + (vm2 - vm1 + 1) / 2 < (nHeight / div) / 3 || vm2 - vm1 > nHeight / div / 2) { for (int k = vm1; k <= vm2; k++) { lineLabel[k] = false; } } int p1 = 0, p2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (int)(nHeight / div) + 1; i++) { if (lineLabel[i] == true) { p1 = 0; p2 = 0; bool ok = false; for (int j = 1; j < (int)(nWidth / lv) + 1; j++) { if (countMatch[i, j - 1] == 0 && countMatch[i, j] > 0) { p1 = p2 = j; } if (countMatch[i, j - 1] > 0 && countMatch[i, j] == 0) { p2 = j - 1; if (p2 - p1 > 0) { ok = true; } else { p2 = p1 = 0; countMatch[i, j - 1] = 0; } } } if (!ok && p2 == 0 && p1 == 0) { lineLabel[i] = false; } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //使用2×6矩阵粗定位 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int lLenght = 5, vLenght = 1; int maxAverage = 0; int maxX1 = 0; int maxY1 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (int)(nHeight / div) + 1; i++) { if (lineLabel[i] == true && lineLabel[i + 1] == true) { for (int j = 0; j < (int)(nWidth / lv) - lLenght; ++j) { int average = countMatch[i, j] + countMatch[i, j + 1] + countMatch[i, j + 2] + countMatch[i, j + 3] + countMatch[i, j + 4] + countMatch[i, j + 5]// +countMatch[i,j+6] + countMatch[i + 1, j] + countMatch[i + 1, j + 1] + countMatch[i + 1, j + 2] + countMatch[i + 1, j + 3] + countMatch[i + 1, j + 4] + countMatch[i + 1, j + 5];// +countMatch[i+1,j+6] ; average = average / (lLenght + 1) / (vLenght + 1); if (maxAverage < average) { maxAverage = average; maxX1 = i; maxY1 = j; } } } } bool jx1 = true, jx2 = true; int x1 = 0, x2 = 0; for (int j = 0; jx1 || jx2; j++) { if (jx1 && lineLabel[maxX1 - j] == false) { jx1 = false; x1 = maxX1 - j; } if (jx2 && lineLabel[maxX1 + j] == false) { jx2 = false; x2 = maxX1 + j; } } for (int i = 0; i < x1; i++) { lineLabel[i] = false; } for (int i = x2; i < (int)(nHeight / div) + 1; i++) { lineLabel[i] = false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //寻找车牌的四边 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 位置调整 int lKZValve = (int)(maxAverage / 3); int vKZValve = (int)(maxAverage / 2.5); //int kz1=0,kz2=0; int pX1 = 0, pX2 = 0, pX3 = 0, pX4 = 0, pY1 = 0, pY2 = 0, pY3 = 0, pY4 = 0; //用于搜索边框的范围 int pXU = 0, pXD = 0, pYL = 0, pYR = 0, pXM = 0, pYM = 0; //除去两边噪音 bool l = true, r = true; pY1 = maxY1; pY4 = maxY1 + lLenght; for (int j = 1; l || r; j++) { if (maxY1 - j < 0 && l) { l = false; //pY1=0; } else if (l && countMatch[maxX1, maxY1 - j] < vKZValve && countMatch[maxX1 + 1, maxY1 - j] < vKZValve) { if (maxY1 - j - 2 >= 0 && countMatch[maxX1, maxY1 - j - 2] < vKZValve && countMatch[maxX1 + 1, maxY1 - j - 2] < vKZValve) { l = false; pY1 = maxY1 - j + 1; } } if (maxY1 + lLenght + j > (int)(nWidth / lv) && r) { r = false; pY4 = (int)(nWidth / lv); } else if (r && countMatch[maxX1, maxY1 + lLenght + j] < vKZValve && countMatch[maxX1 + 1, maxY1 + lLenght + j] < vKZValve) { if (maxY1 + lLenght + j + 2 < (int)(nWidth / lv) + 1 && countMatch[maxX1, maxY1 + lLenght + j + 2] < vKZValve && countMatch[maxX1 + 1, maxY1 + lLenght + j + 2] < vKZValve) { r = false; pY4 = maxY1 + lLenght + j - 1; } } } pY2 = (pY1 + 1) * lv; pY3 = (pY4 - 1) * lv; // 进一步去除不必要的边线 bool u = true, d = true; pX1 = maxX1; pX4 = maxX1 + vLenght; while (u || d) { if (u && pX1 - 1 < 0) { u = false; //pX1=0; } else if (u && lineLabel[pX1 - 1]) { bool ok = false; for (int j = pY1; j <= pY4; j++) { if (pX1 - 1 >= 0 && countMatch[pX1 - 1, j] > lKZValve) { ok = true; pX1--; break; } } if (!ok) { u = false; } } else u = false; if (d && pX4 + 1 > (int)(nHeight / div)) { d = false; } else if (d && lineLabel[pX4 + 1]) { bool ok = false; for (int j = pY1; j <= pY4; j++) { if (pX4 + 1 < (int)(nHeight / div) + 1 && countMatch[pX4 + 1, j] > lKZValve) { ok = true; pX4++; break; } } if (!ok) { d = false; } } else d = false; } pXM = pX1 * div + (pX4 - pX1) / 2 * div; pYM = pY1 * lv + (pY4 - pY1) / 2 * lv; //maxX1=x1; vLenght = x2 - x1; //水平再调整 l = true; r = true; while (l || r) { if (pY1 - 1 < 0 && l) { l = false; } else if (l) { bool match = false; for (int i = 0; i <= vLenght; i++) { if (countMatch[x1 + i, pY1 - 1] > vKZValve) { match = true; break; } } if (!match) { l = false; } else pY1--; } if (pY4 + 1 > (int)(nWidth / lv) && r) { r = false; } else if (r) { bool match = false; for (int i = 0; i <= vLenght; i++) { if (countMatch[x1 + i, pY4 + 1] > vKZValve) { match = true; break; } } if (!match) { r = false; } else pY4++; } } for (int i = 0; i < pX1; i++) { lineLabel[i] = false; } for (int i = pX4 + 1; i < (int)(nHeight / div) + 1; i++) { lineLabel[i] = false; } pX2 = x1 * div - div / 2; if (pX2 < 0) { pX2 = 0; } pX3 = x2 * div + div / 2; if (pX3 >= nHeight) { pX3 = nHeight - 1; } pYL = pY1 * lv;//-lv; bool kz = false; for (int i = x1; i <= x2; i++) { if (countMatch[i, pY1] > vKZValve) { kz = true; break; } if (pY1 - 1 >= 0 && countMatch[i, pY1 - 1] > vKZValve) { pYL -= lv; break; } } if (kz) { pYL -= lv / 2; } if (pYL <= 0) { pYL = 0; } pYR = (pY4 + 1) * lv + lv / 2;//+lv; kz = false; for (int i = x1; i <= x2; i++) { if (pY4 + 1 < (int)(nWidth / lv) + 1 && countMatch[i, pY4 + 1] > vKZValve) { kz = true; break; } if (pY4 + 2 < (int)(nWidth / lv) + 1 && countMatch[i, pY4 + 2] > vKZValve) { pYR += lv; break; } } if (kz) { pYR += lv / 2; } if (pYR >= nWidth) { pYR = nWidth - 1; } if (pX4 - pX1 <= 3) { if (pX1 - 1 >= 0) { pXU = (pX1 - 1) * div; } else pXU = 0; if (pX4 + 2 >= (int)(nHeight / div)) { pXD = nHeight; } else pXD = (int)((pX4 + 1.5) * div + div); } else if (4 <= pX4 - pX1 && pX4 - pX1 <= 5) { pXU = pX1 * div - div / 2; pXD = (pX4 + 1) * div + div / 2; } else pXU = pX1 * div; pXD = (int)((pX4 + 1.5) * div - div / 2); pXD += div / 2; if (pXD > nHeight - 1) { pXD = nHeight - 1; } pYL -= lv / 2; if (pYL < 0) { pYL = 0; } //调整截取的边缘 LR(m, pX2, pX3, pYL, pYR, out pYL, out pYR); UD(m, pXU, pXD, pYL, pYR, out pXU, out pXD); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //在图像上添加辅助线 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //显示边框 p = (byte*)(void*)Scan0; pp = p; for (int i = 0; i < nHeight; i++) { if (i == pXU || i == pXD) { for (int j = pYL; j <= pYR; j++) { pp = p + i * stride + j * 3; pp[2] = 255; pp[0] = pp[1] = 0; } } else if (pXU < i && i < pXD) { pp = p + i * stride + pYL * 3; pp[2] = 255; pp[0] = pp[1] = 0; pp = p + i * stride + pYR * 3; pp[2] = 255; pp[0] = pp[1] = 0; } } //截取的行线显示在图上 /*p = (byte *)(void *)Scan0; pp = p; for (int i=0;i<(int)(nHeight/div)-1;i++) { //画垂线 for (int k=0;k<nWidth+1;k+=lv) { pp=p+(i*div+div/2)*stride+k*3; pp[2]=255; } //在车牌所在水平区域画出横线 if (lineLabel[i]) { for(int j=0; j < nWidth; ++j ) { pp=p+(i*div+div/2)*stride+j*3; pp[2]=255; } } } */ int ccount; ccount = ccm; ccount = maxAverage; m_Bitmap.UnlockBits(bmData); //maxX = maxX1 * div - pXU; // maxY = maxY1 * lv - pYL; //if (name != null) //{ // Bitmap other_c_Bitmap = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(name, false); //} //else { //} Rectangle sourceRectangle = new Rectangle(pYL, pXU, pYR - pYL, pXD - pXU); c_Bitmap = always_Bitmap.Clone(sourceRectangle, PixelFormat.DontCare); //extract_Bitmap_one = other_c_Bitmap.Clone(sourceRectangle, PixelFormat.DontCare); //在内存中处理c_Bitmap,提取数据之后,在原来的图片提取彩色图片。 } } if (c_Bitmap == null) Console.WriteLine("nulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll"); return c_Bitmap; } private static bool LR(float[,] m, int xu, int xd, int yl, int yr, out int pYL, out int pYR) { int[] projection = new int[yr - yl + 1]; foreach (int i in projection) { projection[i] = 0; } //垂直投影 for (int i = xu; i <= xd; i++) { for (int j = yl; j <= yr; j++) { if (m[i, j] > 0) { projection[j - yl]++; } } } bool l = true, r = true; int temp_yr = yr, temp_yl = yl; while (l || r) { if (temp_yr - temp_yl <= 60) { l = r = false; } if (l && projection[temp_yl - yl] < 5) { temp_yl++; } else { l = false; } if (r && projection[temp_yr - yl] < 5) { temp_yr--; } else { r = false; } } pYL = temp_yl; pYR = temp_yr; return true; } /* * 调整车牌上下位置 */ private static bool UD(float[,] m, int pXU, int pXD, int pYL, int pYR, out int xu, out int xd) { int[] projection = new int[pXD - pXU + 1]; foreach (int i in projection) { projection[i] = 0; } //水平投影 for (int i = pXU; i <= pXD; i++) { for (int j = pYL; j <= pYR; j++) { if (m[i, j] > 0) { projection[i - pXU]++; } } } bool u = true, d = true; int temp_xd = pXD - 1, temp_xu = pXU + 1; while (u || d) { if (temp_xd - temp_xu <= 60) { u = d = false; } if (u && projection[temp_xu - pXU] < 2) { temp_xu++; } else { u = false; } if (d && projection[temp_xd - pXU] < 2) { temp_xd--; } else { d = false; } } xu = temp_xu; xd = temp_xd; return true; } #endregion }
public class showVideo { // showVideo calls [DllImport("avicap32.dll")] public static extern IntPtr capCreateCaptureWindowA(byte[] lpszWindowName, int dwStyle, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, IntPtr hWndParent, int nID); [DllImport("avicap32.dll")] public static extern bool capGetDriverDescriptionA(short wDriver, byte[] lpszName, int cbName, byte[] lpszVer, int cbVer); [DllImport("User32.dll")] public static extern bool SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int wMsg, bool wParam, int lParam); [DllImport("User32.dll")] public static extern bool SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int wMsg, short wParam, int lParam); [DllImport("User32.dll")] public static extern bool SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int wMsg, short wParam, FrameEventHandler lParam); [DllImport("User32.dll")] public static extern bool SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int wMsg, int wParam, ref BITMAPINFO lParam); [DllImport("User32.dll")] public static extern bool SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int wMsg, int wParam, ref CAPDRIVERCAPS lParam); [DllImport("User32.dll")] public static extern int SetWindowPos(IntPtr hWnd, int hWndInsertAfter, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int wFlags); [DllImport("avicap32.dll")] public static extern int capGetVideoFormat(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr psVideoFormat, int wSize); [DllImport("User32.dll")] public static extern bool SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int wMsg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam); // Constants public const int WM_USER = 0x400; public const int WS_CHILD = 0x40000000; public const int WS_VISIBLE = 0x10000000; public const int WM_CAP_START = WM_USER; public const int SWP_NOMOVE = 0x2; public const int SWP_NOZORDER = 0x4; public const int WM_CAP_STOP = WM_CAP_START + 68; public const int WM_CAP_DRIVER_CONNECT = WM_USER + 10; public const int WM_CAP_DRIVER_DISCONNECT = WM_USER + 11; public const int WM_CAP_SET_CALLBACK_FRAME = WM_USER + 5; public const int WM_CAP_SET_PREVIEW = WM_USER + 50; public const int WM_CAP_SET_PREVIEWRATE = WM_USER + 52; public const int WM_CAP_SET_VIDEOFORMAT = WM_USER + 45; public const int WM_CAP_SAVEDIB = WM_USER + 25; public const int WM_CAP_SET_OVERLAY = WM_USER + 51; public const int WM_CAP_GET_CAPS = WM_USER + 14; public const int WM_CAP_DLG_VIDEOFORMAT = WM_USER + 41; public const int WM_CAP_DLG_VIDEOSOURCE = WM_USER + 42; public const int WM_CAP_DLG_VIDEODISPLAY = WM_USER + 43; public const int WM_CAP_EDIT_COPY = WM_USER + 30; public const int WM_CAP_SET_SEQUENCE_SETUP = WM_USER + 64; public const int WM_CAP_GET_SEQUENCE_SETUP = WM_USER + 65; public const int WM_CAP_FILE_SET_CAPTURE_FILEA = WM_CAP_START + 20; public const int WM_CAP_SEQUENCE = WM_CAP_START + 62; // Structures [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct VIDEOHDR { [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] public int lpData; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] public int dwBufferLength; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] public int dwBytesUsed; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] public int dwTimeCaptured; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] public int dwUser; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] public int dwFlags; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)] public int[] dwReserved; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct CAPDRIVERCAPS { [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U2)] public UInt16 wDeviceIndex; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public bool fHasOverlay; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public bool fHasDlgVideoSource; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public bool fHasDlgVideoFormat; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public bool fHasDlgVideoDisplay; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public bool fCaptureInitialized; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public bool fDriverSuppliesPalettes; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] public int hVideoIn; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] public int hVideoOut; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] public int hVideoExtIn; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] public int hVideoExtOut; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct BITMAPINFOHEADER { [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] public Int32 biSize; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] public Int32 biWidth; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] public Int32 biHeight; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I2)] public short biPlanes; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I2)] public short biBitCount; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] public Int32 biCompression; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] public Int32 biSizeImage; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] public Int32 biXPelsPerMeter; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] public Int32 biYPelsPerMeter; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] public Int32 biClrUsed; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] public Int32 biClrImportant; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct BITMAPINFO { [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Struct, SizeConst = 40)] public BITMAPINFOHEADER bmiHeader; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 1024)] public Int32[] bmiColors; } public delegate void FrameEventHandler(IntPtr lwnd, IntPtr lpVHdr); // Public methods public static object GetStructure(IntPtr ptr, ValueType structure) { return Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, structure.GetType()); } public static object GetStructure(int ptr, ValueType structure) { return GetStructure(new IntPtr(ptr), structure); } public static void Copy(IntPtr ptr, byte[] data) { Marshal.Copy(ptr, data, 0, data.Length); } public static void Copy(int ptr, byte[] data) { Copy(new IntPtr(ptr), data); } public static int SizeOf(object structure) { return Marshal.SizeOf(structure); } } //Web Camera Class public class WebCamera { // Constructur public WebCamera(IntPtr handle, int width, int height) { mControlPtr = handle; mWidth = width; mHeight = height; } // delegate for frame callback public delegate void RecievedFrameEventHandler(byte[] data); public event RecievedFrameEventHandler RecievedFrame; private IntPtr lwndC; // Holds the unmanaged handle of the control private IntPtr mControlPtr; // Holds the managed pointer of the control private int mWidth; private int mHeight; private showVideo.FrameEventHandler mFrameEventHandler; // Delegate instance for the frame callback - must keep alive! gc should NOT collect it // Close the web camera public void CloseWebcam() { this.capDriverDisconnect(this.lwndC); } // start the web camera public void StartWebCam() { byte[] lpszName = new byte[100]; byte[] lpszVer = new byte[100]; showVideo.capGetDriverDescriptionA(0, lpszName, 100, lpszVer, 100); this.lwndC = showVideo.capCreateCaptureWindowA(lpszName, showVideo.WS_VISIBLE + showVideo.WS_CHILD, 0, 0, mWidth, mHeight, mControlPtr, 0); if (this.capDriverConnect(this.lwndC, 0)) { this.capPreviewRate(this.lwndC, 66); this.capPreview(this.lwndC, true); showVideo.BITMAPINFO bitmapinfo = new showVideo.BITMAPINFO(); bitmapinfo.bmiHeader.biSize = showVideo.SizeOf(bitmapinfo.bmiHeader); bitmapinfo.bmiHeader.biWidth = 352; bitmapinfo.bmiHeader.biHeight = 288; bitmapinfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bitmapinfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24; this.capSetVideoFormat(this.lwndC, ref bitmapinfo, showVideo.SizeOf(bitmapinfo)); this.mFrameEventHandler = new showVideo.FrameEventHandler(FrameCallBack); this.capSetCallbackOnFrame(this.lwndC, this.mFrameEventHandler); showVideo.SetWindowPos(this.lwndC, 0, 0, 0, mWidth, mHeight, 6); } } ///<summary> ///录像 ///</summary> ///<param name="path">要保存avi文件的路径</param> public void Kinescope(string path) { IntPtr hBmp = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(path); showVideo.SendMessage(lwndC, showVideo.WM_CAP_FILE_SET_CAPTURE_FILEA, IntPtr.Zero, hBmp); showVideo.SendMessage(lwndC, showVideo.WM_CAP_SEQUENCE, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); } ///<summary> ///停止录像 ///</summary> public void StopKinescope() { showVideo.SendMessage(lwndC, showVideo.WM_CAP_STOP, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); } // private functions public bool copyToClipBoard() //抓图到剪切板 { return showVideo.SendMessage(lwndC, showVideo.WM_CAP_EDIT_COPY, 0, 0); //Clipboard.GetDataObject(); } public void grabImage(string path) //抓图到文件 { IntPtr hBmp = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(path); showVideo.SendMessage(lwndC, showVideo.WM_CAP_SAVEDIB, 0, hBmp.ToInt32()); } public void setCaptureSource() //弹出色彩设置对话框 { showVideo.CAPDRIVERCAPS caps = new showVideo.CAPDRIVERCAPS(); showVideo.SendMessage(lwndC, showVideo.WM_CAP_GET_CAPS, showVideo.SizeOf(caps), ref caps); if (caps.fHasDlgVideoSource) { showVideo.SendMessage(lwndC, showVideo.WM_CAP_DLG_VIDEOSOURCE, 0, 0); } } public void setCaptureFormat() //弹出视频格式设置对话框 { showVideo.CAPDRIVERCAPS caps = new showVideo.CAPDRIVERCAPS(); showVideo.SendMessage(lwndC, showVideo.WM_CAP_GET_CAPS, showVideo.SizeOf(caps), ref caps); if (caps.fHasDlgVideoSource) { showVideo.SendMessage(lwndC, showVideo.WM_CAP_DLG_VIDEOFORMAT, 0, 0); } } private bool capDriverConnect(IntPtr lwnd, short i) { return showVideo.SendMessage(lwnd, showVideo.WM_CAP_DRIVER_CONNECT, i, 0); } private bool capDriverDisconnect(IntPtr lwnd) { return showVideo.SendMessage(lwnd, showVideo.WM_CAP_DRIVER_DISCONNECT, 0, 0); } private bool capPreview(IntPtr lwnd, bool f) { return showVideo.SendMessage(lwnd, showVideo.WM_CAP_SET_PREVIEW, f, 0); } private bool capPreviewRate(IntPtr lwnd, short wMS) { return showVideo.SendMessage(lwnd, showVideo.WM_CAP_SET_PREVIEWRATE, wMS, 0); } private bool capSetCallbackOnFrame(IntPtr lwnd, showVideo.FrameEventHandler lpProc) { return showVideo.SendMessage(lwnd, showVideo.WM_CAP_SET_CALLBACK_FRAME, 0, lpProc); } private bool capSetVideoFormat(IntPtr hCapWnd, ref showVideo.BITMAPINFO BmpFormat, int CapFormatSize) { return showVideo.SendMessage(hCapWnd, showVideo.WM_CAP_SET_VIDEOFORMAT, CapFormatSize, ref BmpFormat); } private void FrameCallBack(IntPtr lwnd, IntPtr lpVHdr) { showVideo.VIDEOHDR videoHeader = new showVideo.VIDEOHDR(); byte[] VideoData; videoHeader = (showVideo.VIDEOHDR)showVideo.GetStructure(lpVHdr, videoHeader); VideoData = new byte[videoHeader.dwBytesUsed]; showVideo.Copy(videoHeader.lpData, VideoData); if (this.RecievedFrame != null) this.RecievedFrame(VideoData); } }
public partial class PictureTakeForm : Form { public Bitmap thisBitmap; public Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(Screen.AllScreens[0].Bounds.Width, Screen.AllScreens[0].Bounds.Height); public Bitmap changeSizePic; public frmScreen f; private String name; int[] gray = new int[256]; int[] rr = new int[256]; int[] gg = new int[256]; int[] bb = new int[256]; // public static string licensePlateBath = "G:\\licensePlate\\"; public static string charSourceBath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\char\"; public static string provinceSourceBath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\font\"; public PictureTakeForm() { InitializeComponent(); } private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp); g.CopyFromScreen(0, 0, 0, 0, new Size(Screen.AllScreens[0].Bounds.Width, Screen.AllScreens[0].Bounds.Height)); f = new frmScreen(bmp,this); f.Show(); } private void panel1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { if (thisBitmap != null) { this.panel1.AutoScroll = true; this.panel1.AutoScrollMinSize = new Size((int)(thisBitmap.Width), (int)thisBitmap.Height); Console.WriteLine(" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)"); Console.WriteLine(thisBitmap.Width+" "+this.thisBitmap.Height); Graphics g = e.Graphics; if (thisBitmap.Height < this.panel1.Height && thisBitmap.Width < this.panel1.Width) { g.DrawImage(thisBitmap, new Rectangle((this.panel1.Width/2)-thisBitmap.Width/2, this.panel1.Height/2-thisBitmap.Height/2, (int)(thisBitmap.Width), (int)(thisBitmap.Height))); } else { g.DrawImage(thisBitmap, new Rectangle(this.panel1.AutoScrollPosition.X, this.panel1.AutoScrollPosition.Y, (int)(thisBitmap.Width), (int)(thisBitmap.Height))); } } } private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog(); openFileDialog.Filter = "Jpeg文件|*.jpg|Bitmap文件|*.bmp| 所有合适文件|*.bmp/*.jpg"; openFileDialog.FilterIndex = 2; openFileDialog.RestoreDirectory = true;//该值指示对话框在关闭前是否还原当前目录 if (DialogResult.OK == openFileDialog.ShowDialog()) { name = openFileDialog.FileName; thisBitmap = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(name, false);//使用该文件中的嵌入颜色管理信息,从指定的文件创建thisBitmap this.panel1.AutoScroll = true; this.panel1.AutoScrollMinSize = new Size((int)(thisBitmap.Width), (int)thisBitmap.Height); this.label1.Text = name; panel1.Invalidate();//使panel1内的图像重新绘制 } } private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); saveFileDialog.Filter = "Bitmap文件|*.bmp| Jpeg文件|*.jpg| 所有合适文件|*.bmp/*.jpg"; saveFileDialog.FilterIndex = 1; saveFileDialog.RestoreDirectory = true; if (DialogResult.OK == saveFileDialog.ShowDialog()) { thisBitmap.Save(saveFileDialog.FileName); } } //灰度化 private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (thisBitmap != null) { thisBitmap= GeneralTools.grayfy(thisBitmap); panel1.Invalidate(); } } //灰度均衡化 private void button8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (thisBitmap != null) { thisBitmap = GeneralTools.grayBalance(thisBitmap); panel1.Invalidate(); } } //二值化 private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (thisBitmap != null) { thisBitmap = GeneralTools.colorDevided(thisBitmap); panel1.Invalidate(); } } //精确提取 private void button9_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (thisBitmap != null) { BitmapData bmData = thisBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, thisBitmap.Width, thisBitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); unsafe { int stride = bmData.Stride; System.IntPtr Scan0 = bmData.Scan0;//封锁到内存中的数据的首地址 byte* p = (byte*)(void*)Scan0; //把首地址赋值给指针p byte* p1 = (byte*)(void*)Scan0; //把首地址赋值给指针p1 byte* p2 = (byte*)(void*)Scan0; //把首地址赋值给指针p2 int nOffset = stride - thisBitmap.Width * 3;//每行图像的实际数据 int[] Yedge = new int[2]; int[] Xedge = new int[2]; int nWidth = thisBitmap.Width; int nHeight = thisBitmap.Height; int[] countHeight = new int[nHeight]; int[] countWidth = new int[nWidth]; int Yheight = nHeight, YBottom = 0; int XLeft = nWidth, XRight = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nHeight; i++) { countHeight[i] = 0; } for (int y = 0; y < nHeight; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < nWidth; ++x) { if ((p[0] == 0 && p[3] == 255) || (p[0] == 255 && p[3] == 0)) { countHeight[y]++; } p += 3; } p += nOffset; } //竖直方向 //上边沿 for (int y = 0; y < nHeight; ++y) { if (countHeight[y] >= 2 )//12,6,11 { if (Yheight > y) { Yheight = y; YBottom = y; }//此if语句只执行了一次 if ((y - YBottom) == 1) YBottom = y + 1; } } //下边沿 for (int y = nHeight; y >0; --y) { if (countHeight[y-1] >= 2)//12,6,11 { if (YBottom< y) { YBottom = y; }//此if语句只执行了一次 } } for (int y = Yheight; y < YBottom; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < nWidth-1; ++x) { if ((p1[0] == 0 && p1[3] == 255) || (p1[0] == 255 && p1[3] == 0)) { if (XLeft > x) { XLeft = x+1;//加一的目的是从数字边沿开始截取,二不是边沿左侧一个像素 Console.WriteLine(XLeft + " XLEFT"); } if (XRight < x) { XRight = x; Console.WriteLine(XRight + " XRIGHT"); } } p1 += 3; } Console.WriteLine(y + " 循环变量y"); p1 += nOffset+3; } //for (int y = Yheight; y < YBottom; y++) //{ // for (int x = XLeft; x < XRight; x++) // { // p2[0] = 255; // p2 += 3; // } // p2 += nOffset; //} thisBitmap.UnlockBits(bmData); if (XRight > XLeft && YBottom > Yheight) { Console.WriteLine(XLeft + " " + XRight + " " + Yheight + "[oooooooooooooo]" + YBottom); Rectangle sourcePic = new Rectangle(XLeft, Yheight, XRight - XLeft, YBottom - Yheight); thisBitmap = thisBitmap.Clone(sourcePic, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); Console.WriteLine(XLeft + " " + XRight + " " + Yheight + "ttttttttttttttttt" + YBottom); panel1.Invalidate(); } else { } } } } //调整大小 private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (thisBitmap != null) { changeSizePic= new System.Drawing.Bitmap(thisBitmap, 9, 16); thisBitmap=changeSizePic; panel1.Invalidate(); } } //旋转图片 private void button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { } //二值图片反色 private void button10_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (thisBitmap != null) { BitmapData bmData = thisBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, thisBitmap.Width, thisBitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); int stride = bmData.Stride;//获取或设置 Bitmap 对象的跨距宽度(也称为扫描宽度)。 System.IntPtr Scan0 = bmData.Scan0;//获取或设置位图中第一个像素数据的地址。 它也可以看成是位图中的第一个扫描行 unsafe { byte* p = (byte*)(void*)Scan0; int nOffset = stride - thisBitmap.Width * 3; int nWidth = thisBitmap.Width; int nHeight = thisBitmap.Height; for (int y = 0; y < nHeight; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < nWidth; ++x) { if (p[0] == 255) p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = 0; else p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = 255; p += 3; } p += nOffset; } } thisBitmap.UnlockBits(bmData); panel1.Invalidate(); } } //private void 直接保存(object sender, EventArgs e) //{ // if (this.textBox1 != null) // { // String formatName = null; // formatName = GeneralTools.getFormatName(bathFlag, this.textBox1.Text); // Console.WriteLine(formatName + " " + bathFlag); // this.thisBitmap.Save(licensePlateBath+this.textBox1.Text+".bmp"); // } //} private void 汉字保存(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.textBox1 != null) { String formatName = null; formatName = GeneralTools.getFormatName(provinceSourceBath, this.textBox1.Text); Console.WriteLine(formatName + " " + provinceSourceBath); this.thisBitmap.Save(provinceSourceBath + formatName + ".bmp"); } } private void button12_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String formatName = null; formatName = GeneralTools.getFormatName(charSourceBath, this.textBox1.Text); Console.WriteLine(formatName + " " + charSourceBath); this.thisBitmap.Save(charSourceBath + formatName + ".bmp"); } }
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